Cut-Tex® PRO Cut Resistant Fabric – Protecting Valuable Lives

The question I have been asked several times over the past few years is: “Why did you actually create your Cut-Tex® PRO Cut Resistant Fabric, and what was the actual reason behind it?”
Well, I founded PPSS Group in November 2010 and right from the start we set a mission statement: “Protecting Frontline Professionals from Human Threat”. Our key objective was to reduce injuries and prevent the loss of life.
It was on 13 March 2011 when my friend (and father of my three god daughters) Craig Wylde was brutally assaulted. Having previously served as Infantry soldier in the British Army, Craig ultimately became a prison officer at the Category A (high security) Frankland Prison, in Durham, England. One morning he opened a prisoner’s cell door… the prisoner had a broken glass bottle in his hand… he slashed Craig under his arm… he severed his artery, muscle, tendons, ligaments and created severe nerve damage. Days later glass bottles and glasses became illegal in the UK’s prison setting.
This was an exceptionally tragic incidents, which ultimately led to the development, design, and engineering of our high performance cut resistant fabric known as Cut-Tex® PRO. I had already worked on some type of cut resistant fabrics, but I soon came to realise that a ‘good performance’ wasn’t good enough. So, I ended up traveling the world, meeting, and consulting some of the most respected textile engineers on the planet. Then came the day when we concluded “this is as far as textile engineering allows us to go at this stage”, and we really had pushed it as far as we could have.
Now we look at Cut-Tex® PRO as the benchmark of cut resistant fabric. Thoroughly field tested, it is now helping to design and produce protective clothing to so save lives all over the world.

Cut-Tex PRO Cut Resistant Fabric used as an inner liner for a casual jacket.
It has been tested against several British, European and American blade cut resistance standards. We took this action to substantiate independently the extraordinary protective properties of our fabric, and back up all claims we are making.
Cut-Tex PRO is an exceptionally durable cut resistant fabric which is 5 times stronger than Kevlar, rated at cut resistance level 3 at 5.0N.
It is an ultra-high cut resistant fabric, knitted from an innovative combination of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and other technical fibres at a UK based ISO 9001:2008 quality standard accredited manufacturing facility.
Performance Levels
- ASTM F-2992-15 Blade Cut Resistance Level A5
- ISO 13997:1999 Blade Cut Resistance Level 5
- EN 388:2016 Blade Cut Resistance Level E (TDM 100 Test)
- EN 388:2016 Blade Cut Resistance Level 5
- EN 388:2016 Puncture Resistance Level 4
- EN 388:2016 Tear Resistance Level 4
- EN 388:2016 Abrasion Resistance Level 3
Cut-Tex® PRO is also ‘skin friendly’. At pH 6.6, our fabric has a pH value similar to that of water (usually between 6.5 and 8.5). This makes it an extremely low risk skin irritation fabric. It will maintain the skin’s natural balance.
Suitable Applications
Just as an example, the highly acclaimed SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing brand is using our Cut-Tex® PRO fabric, protecting homeland security, law enforcement, prison services, border force, immigration, customs, covert police, counter terror units, surveillance and other professionals.
We understand that muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves of these men and women require such level of protection, preventing rapid blood loss, subsequent shock, loss of life or simply immobility (which in certain circumstances can result in loss of life due to lack of the ability to further defend yourself).
We also must acknowledge that significant and life-altering injury can occur even when a wounded officer survives. Too soon and too often the attention wanders and the incident fades into background, while the recovering officer flounders in a morass of work comp, medical bills and looming unemployment.

Cut-Tex PRO Cut Resistant Fabric base layer worn underneath a standard shirt.
‘Slashing’ or ‘slash injuries’ are extremely ‘under-reported’. Historically ‘knife injuries’ have been reported as ‘stab injuries’, hence we have been made to misbelieve that both mean the very same. Maybe you want to read my article “Re-Evaluating Our Current Understanding Of Knife Attacks And Injuries” for further clarification on this subject matter.
“A retrospective survey of hospital admissions data that contributed to the development of the most important standard suggested that 63 % of wounds attributable to sharp edged weapons were SLASH event”, stated Ian Horsfall and Mathew Arnold, of the Impact and Armour Group within the Department of Engineering and Applied Science at Cranfield University, Defence Academy of the UK.
CutPRO® Cut Resistant Clothing – Industries, such as flat/float glass and sheet metal processing, as well as air conditioning companies and recycling facilities have also reported extremely serious accidents resulting in sometimes horrendous cut injuries that needed urgent medical attention, hospital treatment and even long-term care. It is no longer good enough to purchase cut resistant gloves to protect the wearers hands. We got to learn to understand that other areas of the body are of equal or even greater risk.
BitePRO® Bite Resistant Clothing – Mental health care facilities, special educational needs schools, psychiatric nurses, social workers, care homes and others have also identified a need for bite resistant clothing. All garments are being made from our very own Cut-Tex® PRO fabric.
We need to stop thinking that everything will be ok. We need to stop believing that nothing is ever going to go to happen, simply based on that fact that the past has been very kind to us, and no one has been injured in our company, facility or organisation yet.
The legal, financial and operational consequences for ignoring or neglecting basic health and safety regulations can be severe. The moral consequences for not looking after our workforce and dealing with the aftermath of avoidable injuries can be profound.
Cut resistant fabrics exist and they can effectively help create garments and uniforms, preventing injuries and ultimately save lives.
Cut-Tex® PRO has been developed with exactly this in mind, and this truly exceptional fabric is now available for sale. If you wish to purchase it, then please email us and visit our dedicated website
Robert Kaiser, CEO
PPSS Group
About the Author
The company’s Founder and CEO Robert Kaiser is a women’s personal safety expert and author of the 514-pages book NEVER A VICTIM – The Definitive Guide to Women’s Safety, the result of over three decades of dedicated research and experience in understanding both physical and sexual violence against women. This indispensable resource will empower all female readers with the knowledge and confidence to trust in their instincts and innate ability to protect themselves. Robert is also author of several relevant articles such as Best Safety Tips for Female Solo Travellers and How Can Women Protect Themselves from Domestic Violence and Abuse?