Cut-Tex® PRO Used To Design Slash Resistant Clothing to Help Protect Cab & Taxi Drivers

Following several violent knife attacks of this nature on cab & taxi drivers, UK based PPSS Group have now launched cut and slash resistant clothing made out of 100% Cut-Tex® PRO.
Are you aware of some of the most recent incidents?
Just last weekend a taxi driver in Scotland has been seriously hurt in an attack by a passenger who made off in the car. A taxi driver was left seriously injured after being attacked with a knife by a passenger who drove off in his car.
Jay Waiton, a 60 year old cab driver from Salina (Kansas, USA) was brutally attacked a short while ago leaving him with several severe injuries commented: “I woke up and thank the Lord that I was still alive… I guess maybe he thought he killed me and that’s when he stopped. I passed out and I thought I was dead”.
The safety of these public facing, lone working, professionals has to be great importance. Their job takes them to many places that can often be remote, extremely dangerous and in many cases without any mobile/cell phone reception. The great variety of people they have in their vehicles represent another obvious, realistic and serious threat to the driver.
Racial harassment and aggressive complains about the fare and serious drunken disorder are now also issues taxi drivers have to face, often on a daily basis… especially at the end of weekend nights when customers have been drinking excessively all day and night. These are the words of a cab driver in a civilized country!
Just read the following international news snips for yourself:
- UK – Taxi driver and 68-year-old woman injured after knife attacks
- Australia – Taxi driver assaulted female passenger before raping another
- UK – Cab driver beaten, robbed and kidnapped by drunk man
- USA – Salina Cab Driver Slowly Recovering From Attack
- Rep of Ireland – Taxi driver stabbed hours after vicious first assault
- USA – N.J. cab driver is beaten, stabbed, robbed of $40
- Canada – Toronto taxi driver stabbed in the head by passenger
- UK – Taxi Driver quits after knife attack
- Australia – Teen charged over knife attack on taxi driver
Several cab and taxi firms have now invested in a number of technical devices, in order to help improve the personal safety of their employees. CCTV systems have become a valuable device to combat aggressive incidents, sending a clear signal to the passenger they will be filmed, they will be prosecuted and the video footage will be used as physical evidence in a court of law.
‘Preventative Technology’ of this type will not work successfully every time because some aggressive members of the public either don’t care about the potential repercussion following an assault or they are simply so intoxicated they just don’t get it any more.
This is why we need an additional ‘safety net’, something that protects these professionals in case the CCTV system and the driver’s great communication skills and great personality have failed to stop such attack.
Smart looking and comfortable slash resistant turtle neck jackets, sweat shirts and arm guards can act as such effective ‘safety net’ and are ideal for taxi drivers.
Slash Resistant Arm Guards Slash Resistant Jacket
Everyone needs to understand, that a knife attack, which sees the radial artery, the carotid artery or the axillary artery being slashed will under normal circumstances lead to a very rapid blood loss and in the worst case scenario death within a very few minutes.
We encourage taxi drivers to contact us if they wish to discuss this matter or in case they wish to highlight any acts of violence they have had to face during their career. We would love to hear from you, as it may well help us to develop additional garments or equipment with your safety and protection in mind.
If you want to speak with my team about slash resistant clothing… please call +44 (0) 845 5193 953, email or visit
For all U.S. and Canada based inquiries please be so kind and visit the website of our North American division: Alternatively, email or call 800-928-4802